Advance of Internet of things in Brazil

internet of things in Brazil

When it comes to technology, the human mind often goes far. A good example is the prediction attempts of science fiction films. Usually, most of them do not materialize, since we are almost in 2025 and we still do not have cars flying. This does not mean, however, that there are no advanced and tangible technologies. Something that should begin to expand in the coming years is the Brazilian IoT.

The big challenge, as always, is to make the technology not only create a visual and momentary impact. So the so-called Internet of Things should go beyond sensationalism and excitement with the new. It should be really relevant, especially for companies, the areas in which they operate and customers.

In an ideal world, the IoT (Internet of Things) will be a key piece for the development of new business models. In this sense, what would be the most prepared sectors for this technology and which are still crawling? How to make the Brazilian IoT really useful, that is, applied in real-world practice?

Read on for some answers on the subject. Good reading!

Internet of thingsin agribusiness

Among the sectors that have stood out so far in relation to the application of IoT, agribusiness stands out. But at a meeting held in January 2019, the need to invest more in research became evident.

For solutions to emerge that increase the businesses of farmers is vital that there is a permanent dialogue with major universities. After all, it is there that the most varied research that points the way to sustainable and innovative technological progress is conducted.

Contact with universities and encouraging research tends to solve the biggest problem so far. This is the difficulty in improving the crossing of all generated data. The use of drones and sensors in plantations is already a reality. However, producers miss greater use of IoT.

The fact that one device talks to the other needs to result in some action for productivity. This does not always happen. From the moment producers achieve this differential, they will be able to improve competitiveness in the international scenario.

Internet of Things How healthcare should leverage the Internet of Things

Since hearing about IoT, health was already considered one of the most promising areas to receive investments. This is because the improvement of patient monitoring is clear. You may wonder what is the usefulness of your microwave connecting with the refrigerator.

However, in the medical sector the benefits obtained are undeniable. There are already systems equipped with sensors that control the storage of vaccines. In this way, it is possible to be updated in real time as to the quality for use and the quantity of the product.

In an inpatient room, the IoT can improve the application of drugs needed to stabilize certain conditions. This will be possible due to the use of various sensors and the intercom between the devices used in patient monitoring.

Even if the IoT still doesn’t go that far, crossing the data generated by each device will be much more effective. Thus, the doctor will have clearer conditions for making delicate decisions.

The health area already usually walks side by side with technological transformations. This trend will be maintained with the intensification of the presence of IoT systems. Undoubtedly, this is one of the sectors most prepared to receive the new technology

Industrial development based on the Internet of Things

In the industrial sector, the largest investments in IoT already planned for 2020 should cover the following areas:



.oil and gas


Taking mining as an example, IoT can help a lot in monitoring dams. As we know, this has been the biggest problem faced by the sector. Proof of this were the recent catastrophes involving the municipalities of Mariana and Brumadinho, both in Minas Gerais.

The sensors development based on IoT technology can also gain an interesting use in monitoring the state of Brazilian bridges.

Certainly, the IoT is very welcome to avoid the recurrence of serious problems like this.

The future of IoT already beats the part of companies of all niches mentioned above. If the Brazilian industry does not follow the innovations of the Internet of Things, all those involved have only to lose.

Here come all the people who are stakeholders of the business, that is, from investors to consumers. The population, in general, needs to enjoy more intelligent, dynamic and effective solutions. The viaduct episode illustrates how IoT can improve the quality of life of the population.

Have you ever stopped to think about how security is in IoT?

Things presents a huge earning potential, also opens the door to new vulnerabilities...

Adoption of Internet of things in the home environment

In the not-too-distant future, home environments must absorb a multitude of devices integrated through IoT. At this point, the challenge lies in demonstrating the usefulness of this new function. It’s not as simple as previously commented.

However, the IoT experience with the home environment has a great power of transformation. Recall the example of the refrigerator and microwave oven. From the interpretation of freezer temperature, the oven can give some estimates.

Perhaps one of the most useful is the calculation of the best potency and the time needed to thaw a type of meat. There are undoubtedly many other integration actions aimed at improving the quality of life of homes. It is up to the industry to invest in research and listen to what consumers of household appliances and electronics themselves have to say.

Details that separate the deepening of Internet of things

In October 2019, São Paulo held the IT Forum Expo.

On October 16 and 17, IT Mídia held in São Paulo the seventh edition of IT Forum X, at the Transamerica Expo Center. The event was consolidated as a space for exchange of themes of high relevance to the IT industry, such as artificial intelligence, digital transformation, diversity, innovation, internet of things (IoT), among others.

In the opening was discussed the theme of professional resignification through technology. The actor Lázaro Ramos was the mediator of the conversation that also included Konrad Dantas, founder of Kondzilla, Karol Conka, presenter and rapper, and YouTuber Pyong Lee. During the days of the event were more than twenty panels with big names in the market, six main plenary and 17 stages of simultaneous content.

In parallel stages were treated topics such as industry 4.0, society 5.0, future of professions, implementation cases, robotics, big data and entrepreneurship. Over the two days, the speakers took to the stage of the IT sector themes that captivated the interest of executives in the area of IT, marketing, HR, finance and telecommunications.

This is because there has been a sharp advance in strategic fields for IoT success, such as Artificial Intelligence and electronic engineering. What is missing for the Brazilian IoT and the rest of the world to take off, is the improvement of essential skills.

It lacks the momentum provided by people who already study IoT and know how to apply it. More than 25% of Brazilian companies admit that the lack of know-how on the subject is a huge obstacle.

The lack of control over the new technology inhibits the acceleration of the use of IoT solutions. Fortunately, there is already a whole support specialized in emerging technologies.

Through a specific platform, these companies are dedicated to transforming business through the development of innovative technological projects. Naturally, one of the focuses is precisely the development of the Brazilian IoT. More than anything, it is crucial to know where and how to invest.

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