Technology and creativity

Entrepreneurship is one of the major trends in the business world. More and more, we observe people seeking to create their own business and thus realize their dream. But the business world goes beyond understanding technology, essential to increase the performance of your company, however, having creativity is another point that must be worked daily.

However, there is discussion about technology killing the creativity present in processes. Is this true? How can we improve the situation? What is interesting to implement today in our company to generate results in the future? Understand this and more throughout the article.

What is creativity in the business world?

If you think that creativity is linked only to the world of arts, you are mistaken. In the business world, we can observe several ways to apply this in the day to day business.

In fact, investing in creativity is one of the great strategic differentials for any successful business. After all, this can be observed in the development of new products or services. We can also see creativity being applied in new ways to encourage employees to stay motivated in their work environments.

In the midst of all this, we see that many people confuse innovation with creativity. However, it is worth noting that they are different concepts. While innovation is something new and ready to be produced, creativity is the ability to create something. If you analyze well, both are part of the creative process. First, creativity arises and then innovation appears.

And this can be observed every day. Meanwhile, technology is increasingly present in the daily processes of a company. In the midst of all this, the creative economy emerges. A simple concept that can be applied in any business. Understand better below.

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Creative economy

Creative economy are activities that focus on the exercise of imagination and creativity, while exploring its economic value. In other words, it’s a way for people to make money from their ideas. It is worth mentioning that the principles of the creative economy cover the processes that use creation, as well as production and distribution.

Basically, every business developed from creativity is considered in the creative economy. However, to be a company, it needs to generate some economic value. It is not enough to be an interesting idea, it must yield profit.

In general, companies that invest in creative economy seek ways to improve society and still have more motivated employees. So we can see that there is a well-established mission and employees who understand and support this initiative.

Creativity in times of crisis

In times of economic instability and increased cost of living, a challenge for many companies is to remain active in the market. And for that, investing in creativity is a high point.

First of all, you should keep in mind that staying creative in the face of market innovations and competition is not always an easy task. But the solution to this is to make creativity a habit in your company, making it part of your daily life and your processes.

Whether you are a new company or one with more time in the market, resorting to this and uniting this concept technology is essential for your survival. And if you think it’s a huge and very difficult job, you’re wrong. Understand below how the company can unite technology and creativity without affecting the efficiency of both.

How to unite creativity and technology

You should keep in mind that creativity and technology are not opposites, but rather complementary. On the one hand, technology optimizes our potential to be creative. On the other hand, creativity provides a differentiated view of technology. Anyone can have access to certain data, but it is creativity that turns that information into something innovative and that brings results to the company.

And now, you must be wondering: how to apply this in my company? To begin with, keep in mind the profile of your company. Understand how it works, the forms of communication that exist and everything else. This contact with other people and sources of information is important for the quality of the ideas developed.

In addition, invest in your employees. These people must be involved not only in the business but also encouraged in various ways. Creativity is linked not only to what is seen, but to the connections we make between different forms of acquired knowledge. Then, a professional who studies more and is more attuned to the news, and updates will better understand how to use technology and also look in a new way for old issues.

Invest in this concept in your company, since every person who has contact with your business can have a potential creativity. And this can be used in favor of your company, whether in search of a simpler solution or not.

Not to mention the use of technology. Do not put all your efforts into the tool as if it guarantees the results. It is the creativity in its use that generates for the company much more than profit, but a better performance.

When to apply these concepts in my company?

Now that you’re interested, think in parts: having big ambitions is important for a business, but not planning can mean its failure. Start in stages, so you maintain organization and constancy. And remember to create an environment that stimulates creativity. To accomplish this, you must understand what your business is like and find ways to maintain this pleasant environment. After all, no one can produce or create something if they have a mountain of work or dissatisfied.

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