Lean Business Processes

In the face of the challenges arising from decision-making in not lean processes, how do technology and digitalization determine the success of business process alignment? How can they favor corporate ambidexterity?

Follow the reading that will precisely address the alignment of business processes and their main characteristics and challenges.

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Lean Business Processes
Lean Business Processes

What is business process alignment?

Management processes are present throughout the company, without excess. Aligning practical processes is a fairly simple concept: business process alignment is the way the company uses to unify the business overview across all departments, based on the pre-established strategic vision. After all, institutions have a number of sectors, each with its own responsibilities.

However, for everything to work and the company does not become too plastered, and start making mistakes and suffering from it, you need to worry about alignment of decision-making power during the construction of processes, standards that managers in each area need to master and know how to introduce in their respective work teams with creativity.

This is therefore the idea behind process alignment. Now, we’ll talk a little bit more about how to do it in the company.

Company vision and mission

Above each of the sectors is the institution as a whole. Therefore, there needs to be a basis, a guide so that the actions of each area do not overlap with general interests. This begins with defining the company’s values and mission.

It is not uncommon to see great brands that make clear what their overviews are, their mission, their way of acting with the customer. Practical examples: if you go to a fast food chain in a mall and a month later in another, the pattern of performance of the attendants, the style of communication, everything will be the same.

That is, it happens because the brand already makes it clear, when each employee enters, what are the standards and values to be followed. The way to speak, to dress (even if there is no uniform standard) etc. And this is true for the distinction between sectors of the same company, even if it is not a franchise network. The example was illustrative.

The mission is also part, because it is a way for the brand to show that, no matter what sector of the company is determined demand, a standard needs to be met and a specific result achieved

From the value and mission, it is possible to start the process of aligning processes well, since each new employee, and even those who are already in the company, knows what the company proposes to do, with what general objectives and communicating in what way with its audience.

This is already a big step, because it creates an organized environment and a defined culture, without letting each department create its own realities, without connecting with the greater good, which is the overall functioning of the business.

Business culture

Regardless of the various types of management that exist today, the fundamental factor for business processes to be relevant and hybrid is the culture within the company. Creating a culture of adaptability and resilience is fundamental, This applies, for example, not only to processes of innovation and digital transformation, but also to consolidating the purpose of the company within its modus operandi.

After all, the company creates its DNA, clearly defines its zones of action and types of approach and strategies. Thus, having a clear direction in relation to the objectives to be set and, especially, the way the work will be done, in addition to a deep knowledge of all corporate digital assets, and good people management is possible to generate accurate alignment of expectations.

It can be said that the mission and values are within this concept as well, but the corporate culture is how the company operates, what characteristics will be explored, how technology impacts, how innovation is treated. It is basically the factor that causes it to be disseminated and crystallized a way of acting.

And when everyone builds solid communication and everyone follows a primer, alignment is done naturally, even sectors that are not so close, can adopt processes in order to build a successful business culture.

Technology for alignment and reduction of errors and failures
Technology for alignment and reduction of errors and failures

Technology for alignment and reduction of errors and failures

If you have started adopting new technologies strategically and organically, you have already taken the first step in the digitalization of processes, but make no mistake this is not digital transformation, but it is undeniable that automation tools are allied in process management. With management software, machine learning (machine Learning), artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging solutions in recent times, all sectors integrate more easily, and you will gain more agile processes within your project management and your business model.

Thus, even if the sectors are of distinct characteristics, and linear, they can be connected to the same system, for the sake of a common goal, in which they accompany the planning and objectives of the company, proposing quick and easy access to general data, the goals of other departments, not to mention the greatest possibilities for quick communication.

Therefore, with the use of current technology, provided that having access to good quality tools and that really meet the desired objectives, it is possible to create a much faster alignment format, processes and allowing any doubts and disarrangements to be quickly detected and resolved.

This also leads to a reduction in failures. Often, if there is no alignment, different sectors do functions that end up shocking and hindering both. And here, we’re not talking about errors being one part or the other. It’s actually the misalignment. Each one believes to be doing the best, but for lack of communication, end up getting complicated.

Therefore, process alignment also ensures the minimization of errors in the business. All sectors act together, but without running over each other. All guided by equal values and missions, by a well-defined organizational culture and, of course, with the right technological structure to avoid errors and ensure good results, with efficiency and greater agility in decision making.

These are some of the important points of the business process alignment. The alignment of strategies, technology and a beautiful execution, taking into account the corporate culture, can undoubtedly optimize your business processes. If your company does not yet have this sharp side and ends up making mistakes for lack of this synchronization, it is important to start the alignment work right now.

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