What does a chief analytics officer do


The great competitiveness of the market ends up demanding differentiated functions within companies. With the advent of digital transformation, everything is currently represented by data. That might sound a little insensitive, but, yes, we’re data for most of the big companies in the world.

The number of data manipulated daily in the corporate world is surreal, so a detailed analysis of each stage of the process of obtaining and storing this information is necessary. In Brazil, for example, this information is protected by the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

The LGPD has as its priority the security of the data obtained by companies in the country. This data can be related to employees, suppliers, partners, and especially customers.

But who actually takes care of and manages this data? Can a company manage this information easily or need a specific professional for this? Who is this professional and what does he do within the company?

The answer to these and other questions will be answered in this article. Here you’ll find out everything you need to know about the Chief Data Officer (CDO) profession. Keep up!

The CDO profession

The profession of Chief Data Officer comes together with the large amount of technological processes that have arrived to facilitate the way companies deal with information. What was once done with pen and paper and recorded in physical files and folders is now done through technologies such as the cloud system, Big Data, among others.

There is no more room for obsolete and more time-consuming processes, you need to take advantage of what the technology offers and use all the information obtained to leverage the company as a whole. You may have heard that information is power, and indeed it is!

Companies that can capture and monitor the analysis of the data obtained, are the ones that predict better business opportunities and obtain greater success in the market. That’s exactly the job of the Chief Data Officer!

Duties of the position

The roles of this important position are diverse and all relate to the protection and management of data of a particular company. This professional is responsible for managing the data obtained daily by the company, strategically and focused on prospecting opportunities.

Furthermore, the professional is in charge of administering this data correctly and in accordance with the relevant legislation. As stated earlier, the law that regulates this is the LGPD, which provides all the rules that companies must follow to manipulate the data obtained during their activities.

The way data is stored and organized within the company’s servers, or within the cloud system, is also the responsibility of the CDO. It establishes the planning and the way data storage procedures are carried out. This goes for data categorization, forms of absorption, among others.

The quality of the data is also the responsibility of the CDO, which must do everything possible to increase the qualitative standards of the data obtained. He will know exactly the acronyms and nomenclatures used in separating and obtaining the data, for example.

The professional must make sure that all company protocols are being followed with regard to the data obtained. He can even create these protocols and put them into effect during his tenure as CDO.

In addition to all this, the CDO contributes greatly to the growth of the company in a more indirect way, when it provides the compilation of the data obtained in a more strategic way and allows the managers of the company to have more grounded insights and ideas.

What it takes to be a Chief Data Officer

To manage the largest asset of the company in which he operates, the Chief Data Officer, needs to have a very broad view of things. A closed-minded person could not practice this profession, since he must always be open to visualize the best opportunities and times to take a step back too.

To hold this position it is not necessary to have a specific degree, but it is essential that the professional knows the company in question well. If you want to become a Chief Data Officer in your company, the position may not yet exist. So, the interesting thing is to demonstrate the need for a professional like this in the company.

If you are not already employed, seek to study and have a deeper knowledge about new information and storage technologies, such as metadata technology, Big Data, cloud, among others. This will get you well ahead of other candidates when you have an interview for that position.

The importance of the professional

The great importance of CDO, as mentioned before, is that the main asset of companies is the information they get along their journey in the market. This information must be protected, kept confidential and protected from external attacks and leaks.

In addition, CDO brings the information necessary for the company to evolve and innovate according to the demand of its customers, as well as know how to recognize its target audience and transform the company’s activities according to the data obtained.

All this reflects the importance of the Chief Data Officer within a company. If you are thinking of being a CDO professional or if you want to add the position in your company, go ahead! This is the time to think ahead and out of the box. This certainly brings excellent results!

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