The image of robots in science fiction films is no longer distant from reality and today, outside the small screen, it is possible to witness it in the automotive, electronics and machine industries. In addition, one of our ETs, Wagner Kojo, commented on the impact of robot input on process automation in a previous article here on the platform.

We can say that the term "raas", robots as a service, plays an important role in an increasingly agile world, and impacts not only the operations related to product labor, but the entire cycle of the consumer journey, and its adoption increasingly drives business modernization in emerging and competitive markets.

With the fear of replacing human labour, many fear this important development of Industry 4.0. However, contrary to popular belief, robots as a service were also designed for safety, in order to avoid the so-called "human failures".

Despite being a somewhat exponential market in Brazil, around the world, the robotics sector is on the rise and increasingly innovative. Speaking of innovation, it is worth highlighting the work of Boston Dynamics, which is certainly the landmark of this period.

So, how is the market of robots as a service and who is this world reference? Check out this niche and its technological innovations below. Good reading!

robots replace humans
robots replace humans

Service robots in Brazil

As you rarely hear about robotics in Brazil, I can say that the news is not the best.

According to World Robotics 2023 Industrial Robots, there is a projection to reach 700,000 installed robot units in 2026. For this year, the goal is to reach 600,000 units installed worldwide.

While the global average is 126 robots per 10,000 workers, in Brazil there are 14 for the same number of employees.

This is because entrepreneurs are not sufficiently stimulated to acquire this service, either by the cost of the investment or by the lack of adaptation of the machines to the various sectors.

Only with the reduction of costs, the need to compete in the market and the requalification of factory employees, can this segment begin to expand in the country. However, entrepreneurs need to better plan their digitalization and automation processes to establish themselves in the market.

Delayed in the automation race, Brazil, still in 2024, had only 0.6% of all robots used as a service in the world and occupied the 18th position in the ranking of the most automated nations.

The robots in the world

Continuing this automation ranking, the countries that prevailed were China, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Germany. Each of them has a stock of at least 200,000 industrial robots.

Basically, Asia, specifically China, is the largest robot-as-a-service market in the world, followed by Europe and the Americas. What they all have in common is that they have discovered the need to automate production to strengthen industries.

More than just numbers, in this race, what counts is the capacity for innovation and efficiency of robots as a service, the main feature that highlights Boston Dynamics.

Boston Dynamics

If you have never heard of this company, make room because it has the ball of the time!

Boston Dynamics was born in 1992 in Massachusetts. Focused on robotics engineering and design, it is a pioneer in technological advances and its main milestone are its high-performance robots.

Owned by Softbank Group Corp and a world leader in mobile robots, Boston Dynamics aligns dynamic control with sophisticated, state-of-the-art electronic designs.

Boston’s biggest differentiator is robots with mobility, but more than that, with legs.

Seeking accessibility and functionality, the robots built were thought beyond the factory floor. With legs, they can have access to rocky trails, walkways, stairs and also to narrow passageways, which proves their effectiveness.

Going beyond wheels and mats, the legs of robots reproduce movements of humans and animals, not for the sake of aesthetics, but for stability.

With this view, robots as a service from Boston Dynamics can work in unstructured environments, without any kind of obstacle because of their mobility. Notoriously, a milestone in the global robotics market.

Due to the legs, in addition to the robots have artificial intelligence, they also have the so-called "athletic intelligence", to carry out the identification of obstacles and thus not trip.

Now that you know the pioneering company in robot technology innovation, let’s take a look at their breathtaking machines, which has taken the heart of many companies.

Spot Robot

Spot Robot
Spot Robot

Surely, if you are fanatical about the subject, you may have seen a video presentation of this quadruped robot on YouTube. If you have not seen, this will arouse your curiosity.

Called Spot, this robot resembles the structure of an animal and can be used for inspection of industries, carrying out dangerous missions and for delivery of packages.

The Spot was designed by Boston Dynamics to exercise various applications. Being able to be rented or purchased, this robot as a service can grab objects and also open doors.

Despite the autonomous behavior of the robot, it can also be operated by a remote control. Spot goes everywhere and can trot at 1.6 meters per second. Incredible, no? But it doesn’t stop there.

Robot Atlas

Robot Atlas
Robot Atlas

Boston’s darling is an adult-sized humanoid robot, who was affectionately named Atlas.

With 150 cm, 80 kg and two legs, this robot has a very powerful hydraulic system, because it carries 28 actuators composed of cylinders with pressurized fluid, which even mimic human blood.

Being one of the most versatile robots with the humanoid form, Atlas can perform acrobatic jumps, perform climbing and also walk in poorly organized terrain. It is he who possesses athletic intelligence.

Like Spot, Atlas is also autonomous and can be controlled manually. It features stereos cameras that help it adapt in the environment in which it will be placed.

The Atlas body control system is performed by software that calculates models of the underlying physics so that it knows how to interact with the environment.

Despite so much innovation, it is still necessary that this trade in robots as a service becomes viable and possible also for small industries. Meanwhile, Boston Dynamics offers the rental option, which is more profitable for companies, this is why its landmark also in the market.

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Robots replace humans